Back Deputy Secretary General opens International Conference on the fight against the manipulation of sports competitions

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni

“It is in everyone’s interests that the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (known as “Macolin Convention”) comes into force as soon as possible. The moment is approaching: it is not a matter of if, but when”, highlighted Deputy Secretary General while opening the 3rd International Conference on the fight against the manipulation of sports competitions – promotion and implementation of the Macolin Convention.

The Conference is organised as part of the “Macolin Roadmap 2018-2020” process to strengthen States’ response capacity to specific challenges they encounter in organising the fight against manipulation of sports competitions.

The Convention is the only international, legally-binding instrument that can secure and sustain effective global co-operation against the manipulation of sports. It fosters harmonised measures enabling ministries, together with all other public and private stakeholders, to act at three complementary levels* ensuring a long-term coherent approach. These three levels of actions are subject of a series of “thematic workshops” involving members of the National Platforms and key national stakeholders.

“I have never seen the terms of a Convention implemented so widely and so effectively before ratification. Our challenge is to help put in place the legal system that will both carry the values of equality, honesty and integrity forward and re-establish the trust that has been shaken by events of recent years”, emphasized Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni.

* Three complementary levels ensuring a long-term coherent approach: a. Fostering a national integrated approach; b. Developing national co-operation networks involving all key actors; c. Participating in international coordinated mechanisms.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 24 September 2018
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