
HELP Focal points liaise between the HELP Secretariat and the national training institutions. They act as a contact person for judges and prosecutors regarding Human Rights training.

As such, they hold regular meetings at the domestic level in order to evaluate the current state of affairs with their respective national training institution and evaluate judges and prosecutors' needs for human rights training. They deliver HELP presentations to introduce the programme to their peers, upload HELP-relevant information and training materials in their national language, and participate in the HELP annual conference.

The HELP Focal points are in regular contact with the HELP secretariat and submit annual reports.


List of Focal Points

Mirella Bogdani

Emil Amirkhanyan

Zulfigar Babayev

Oliver Scheiber

Umit Oral

 Bosna a Hercegovina
Vanja Pavlović

Korneliya Kirilova

Lara Barberić

Elias Georgiou

 Česká republika
Jana Z. Koláčková

Marie Compere

Besarion Bokhashvili

Petros Alikakos

Petra Bard

Hjortur Aðalsteinsson

Luca Perilli

Darta Mestere

Katre Lahumaa

Ervinas Baubinas

Mylène Regenwetter

Joseph David Camilleri

 Moldavská republika
Diana Scobioala

 Černá Hora
Siniša Bjeković


Ieda Suzanna van de Meene

Szymon Janczarek

Diogo Ravara

Beatrice Ramascanu

 Ruská Federace
Vasilisa Neshataeva

Jasmina Krštenić

 Slovenská republika
Miodrag Đorđević

Rafael Bustos Gisber

Ann-Marie Basun

Bývalá jugoslávská republika Makedonie "
Velimir Delovski


Tetyana Fuley