
Agora Building - Room G02, Strasbourg

22-24 January 2018 (9:30 am)


1. Opening of the meeting


2. Adoption of the agenda and the order of business

PC-CP (2017) 18

3. Summary report of the last meeting


4. Information provided by the Secretariat

PC-CP (2017) 3 rev

PC-CP (2018) 1

5. Revision of the commentary to the European Prison Rules

TOR 2018-2019

6. PC-CP terms of reference for 2018-2019, tasks and working methods

Documents sent by e-mail

7. 23rd Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services (19-20 June 2018, Estonia)


8. Manual/Handbook regarding recruitment and training of prison and probation staff 

Documents sent by e-mail

9. SPACE statistics and the work with the national correspondents


10. Gender mainstreaming


11. Any other business


12. Dates of the next meetings