Tilbake “Ten years on, human rights defenders continue to pay a high price” says Thomas Hammarberg in a joint statement with the UN and regional human rights mechanisms and representatives

[09/12/08 10:30] On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, Commissioner Hammarberg, together with five UN and regional human rights mechanisms and representatives, issued a joint statement alerting on the persistent challenges that defenders face today.

"Ten years after the adoption of the Declaration, defenders continue to pay a high price while advocating for and protecting human rights, be they civil, political, economic, social or cultural" the statement says.

The signatories underline the plight of defenders who, due to the sensitivity of their work, are most exposed to attacks and abuses. "They need specific and enhanced protection as well as targeted and deliberate efforts to make their working environment a safer, more enabling and accepting one" said the signatories, calling on member or participating states of their respective organisations and other stakeholders to take proactive measures to support the work of human rights defenders.

Ten years ago the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration by consensus. The text provides new possibilities for the support and protection of defenders and their activities, by articulating existing human rights in a way that makes them easier to apply to the reality of defenders.

Read the joint statement