Building a Europe for and with children

Think Parents ! Call for workshop presentations: 1st European Conference on positive parenting

27.02.12 Researchers, policy- and decision-makers and practitioners are invited to send in abstracts for presentations for the European conference on parenting support, Think Parents! The abstract form can be downloaded from the Conference website:

The Netherlands Youth Institute together with the University of Amsterdam is organising this European conference on parenting support from 10-12 October 2012 in The Hague, supported by Eurochild and the Council of Europe. The conference is further supported by the Bernard van Leer foundation, the Netherlands organisation for health research and development, the city of The Hague and the Ministry of Health.

The conference offers a multi-professional and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to share views and experiences by arranging plenaries, workshops and informal social meeting places. National and European perspectives will contribute to a better understanding of what works in parenting support. The objective of the conference is to exchange knowledge on what is currently known about the usefulness of parent skills training programmes for parents at different family life-stages and in different social settings and circumstances and, in particular, to find out what is currently known about the scope of parenting skills training programmes and about practices concerned with their delivery. The overall message is 'Think Parents!'.

The conference consists of three strands, each containing four workshops, bringing together research, policy and practice. Each strand will have 10 presentations, totalling 20 minutes each. Abstracts should be sent before 15 April 2012, using the format contained on the Conference site. Selections will be made by 1 May 2012. Registration for the conference will start on 1 May 2012. For more information, please visit the conference website or send an email to [email protected].