The Directorate has overall responsibility for the development and implementation of the human rights and rule of law standards of the Council of Europe, including the promotion of democracy through law, the operation of relevant treaties and related monitoring mechanisms and the development and implementation of cooperation activities in these fields.

 The mandate     Organisational chart

The Directorate General puts into practice the Council of Europe's unique strategic triangle of standard-setting, monitoring and co-operation. Standards may be legally binding - such as conventions, or not - such as recommendations.

Independent, expert bodies evaluate how the standards are implemented in the member States and make constructive recommendations how to improve. Where measures need to be taken in order for the standards to be met, targeted co-operation activities may be agreed with the member States.

It is organised into four pillars:


The Human Rights Directorate

works to promote, protect and develop human rights and rule of law and to ensure the compliance of the Council of Europe's member states. For this, the directorate puts into practice the Council of Europe's unique strategic triangle of standard setting, monitoring and co-operation, which establishes mutual links between developing legally binding standards which are monitored by independent mechanisms and supplemented by co-operation and support activities.

  The Security, Integrity and Rule of Law Directorate

is responsible for the Council of Europe's work on the media, information society and for action against crime. The Directorate's activities comprise standard setting, monitoring and cooperation activities on a wide variety of issues, including data protection, internet governance, cybercrime, criminal law, fighting economic crime, corruption and money laundering as well as action against drug trafficking and drug abuse. It also promotes transparency and understanding of the functioning of audiovisual industries in Europe from a legal and economic point of view.

 The Directorate of Social Rights, Health and Environment

was established by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in January 2024 as a follow-up to the Council of Europe Summit in Reykjavík to advance social justice, good health and a sustainable environment for all. It covers the European Social Charter and the partial agreements setting the Council of Europe Development Bank, the Pompidou Group on drugs and addictions, and the Medicrime Convention. It is also coordinating the work of the Council of Europe to build a stronger and more effective protection systems to protect the environment and counter the impact of the triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change and loss of biodiversity on human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

  The Venice Commission - Democracy through law

is the Council of Europe's advisory body on constitutional matters. It provides legal advice on how to bring legal and institutional structures into line with European standards and international experience. It also helps to ensure the dissemination and consolidation of a common constitutional heritage, playing a unique role in conflict management, and provides "emergency constitutional aid" to states in transition.


