Young people living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods are amongst the most politically excluded, moreover, they are often excluded from the decisions that affect their lives.

Young people should be consulted and have meaningful opportunities to participate in making decisions about the planning and management of their living environment.
This will improve decisions and help young people to become active citizens. Public authorities should support young people and those who represent young people to participate in making decisions about their living environment, and ensure youth friendly and available information is provided to young people about consultations and opportunities to influence the decisions that affect them.

Public authorities should listen and respond to the young people by designing services and facilities in response to their needs. Furthermore, they should establish spaces where young people can express their ideas, opinions and suggestions. These could be youth councils, youth parliaments or youth forums at local or regional levels. They should be open to all young people.

Finally, youth organisations that work in disadvantaged neighbourhoods should be provided with support and resources to speak with, and engage young people in decision-making processes.

 Read more about promoting meaningful participation (Chapter 6 - Publication Taking it seriously)