Young people living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods face discrimination, prejudice and isolation that make it harder for them to be active citizens

Young people should be able to exercise their role as active citizens without discrimination. Measures, such as youth work, can promote positive relations between people from different backgrounds and address discrimination.

Public authorities should actively support young people to develop projects and ideas that improve relationships between people living in their local community. This could be through funding, access to facilities, guidance and advice, as well as support projects that help to include young people who are excluded. Furthermore, information about local opportunities available to young people should be available in different formats.

Public authorities should increase investment in youth work (including mobile youth work), community facilities and youth organisations that run activities that bring young people from different backgrounds together. Moreover, they should recognise the vulnerabilities and needs of specific groups of young people who experience discrimination and stigmatisation and develop measures to address these obstacles (such as ensuring that public buildings are accessible to young people with disabilities through Universal design).

Read more about non-discrimination and active citizenship (Chapter 6 - Publication Taking it seriously)