Enter Long-Term Training Course 2009-2012

An evaluation process was carried out and completed by September 2011.

The objectives and main areas of the evaluation were:
  • Fulfilment of the political and strategic objectives of the LTTC;
  • Relevance of the LTTC for the overall Enter! project on access to social rights for young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods;
  • Structure and features of the LTTC as a youth work intervention on the improvement of access to social rights of young people;
  • Use and adequacy of the resources allocated to the LTTC;
  • What participants learned from the course;
  • What the participants’ projects achieved;
  • Impact of the course on the learning of participants, their projects and their organisations;
  • Inter-sectoral cooperation between the project partners within the Council of Europe in the rolling out and implementation of the LTTC;
  • Impact of the participants’ projects, and therefore, of the LTTC, on the policy dimension

The evaluation led to a comprehensive evaluation report at the end of the LTTC providing an overview of final evaluation conclusions and recommendations to be used by the institutional partners in the further development of this kind of work on access to social rights of young people. On the other hand, ithe evaluation fed the preparation and implementation process with observations from the ongoing evaluation process that can help the team to improve the training offer and the effectiveness of the LTTC for the participants. The formative dimension of the evaluation provided the organisers of other activities within the overall Enter! Project with information they could use in the preparation of effective activities.

Final evaluation report

Evaluator: Yael Ohana Forbrig (Germany)

Project evaluation and follow-up seminar (2012)

2-4 April 2012, EYC Strasbourg

The youth sector organises the Enter! Evaluation Meeting gathering 30 participants that had different roles and functions during the Enter! project, as participants in the activities, particularly in the LTTC, trainers or facilitators, researchers on social rights and social exclusion, policy-makers involved in the policy development aspects of the Enter! project. The meeting will draw lessons from the 2009 - 2012 Enter! project and will propose guidelines for the follow-up activities.

Réunion d'évaluation Présentation

Participants List

Evaluation meeting presentation

70 years of the Council of Europe