
Room : Paris 2, Strasbourg

15-17 October 2012 (9h30)

PC‑CP (2012) OJ 2

1. Adoption of the agenda


2. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the PC-CP

PC‑CP (2012) 9

3. Summary report of the last meeting

PC-CP (2012) 7 rev

4. Electronic monitoring

PC-CP (2012) 3

5. 17th Conference of Directors of Prison Administration (2012)


6. 18th Conference of Directors of Prison Administration (2013)

MJU-31 (2012) RESOL

7. 31st Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Justice (Vienna, 19‑21 September 2012)

CDPC (2012) 2
PC-CP (2012) 10

8. Alternative measures to imprisonment


9. Violence in juvenile detention institutions

  • UN document A/HRC/21/25

10. Any other business


11. Dates of the next meetings