10 NOVEMBER, 16.30-18.00 

Like all other types of crime, cybercrimes have victims. Ensuring that these victims have effective and efficient access to justice and to adequate remedies is a crucial part of a holistic criminal justice response to cybercrime, and an issue of increasing importance for countries across the world. Evidence shows, however, that women often face particular challenges when seeking access to justice and navigating the investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes against them. This can include a reluctance to report crimes for fear of being shamed or subject to retribution, lack of trust in criminal justice authorities, and insensitive practices which can result in re-victimisation. Victim support organisations can play a crucial role in assisting women during the criminal justice process and ensuring that they can fulfil their right to access justice. 

Drawing on experiences from criminal justice practitioners and victim support organisations, this workshop will explore the challenges and obstacles that women victims of cybercrime face when seeking to access justice, and identify what criminal justice authorities can do to overcome them. 

This workshop is co-hosted by Council of Europe Violence Against Women Division. 

  • Moderator: Suharshie Herath, Deputy Solicitor General, Sri Lanka 
  • Rapporteur: Iris Luarasi, President Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), Council of Europe 
  • Secretariat: Catalina Stroe, GLACY+ project, Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office 
Ana Gogovska Jakimovska
Ana Gogovska Jakimovska Public Prosecutor’s Office, North Macedonia
Iris Luarasi
Iris Luarasi President Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), Council of Europe
Katya Vera
Katya Vera Gender Consultant, OAS/CICTE Cybersecurity Program
Layla Ezzouine
Layla Ezzouine Head of Department for combatting crimes, Morocco
Ranjani Padmanabhan
Ranjani Padmanabhan Principal Federal Prosecutor, Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, Australia
Raoul Notté
Raoul Notté Experto principal, estudio cartográfico del CdE sobre las víctimas de la ciberdelincuencia


International Conference

Promoting the role of women in preventing, investigating and prosecuting cybercrime
10 - 11 November 2022
Co-hosted by