10 NOVEMBER, 14.30-16.00

There can be no question that the Internet and technology platforms have become woven into the fabric of our daily lives.  Yet, the same platforms that are used for civic engagement, communication and business are increasingly weaponised as tools of harassment and abuse.  Women, girls, and LGBTQI+ individuals are disproportionately the targets of online harassment and abuse; female and LGBTQI+ public figures, political and community leaders, and journalists are doubly targeted.  Technology-facilitated harassment and abuse takes many forms, including the non-consensual distribution of intimate images, cyberstalking, sextortion, malicious deepfakes, and threats of violence.  Technology-facilitated harassment and abuse can have dire real-world consequences for the mental and physical health of victims, and can disrupt victims’ educations, careers, and participation in society.   

This session will discuss ideas and opportunities for effective global criminal justice action to prevent and respond to cyberviolence against women, and identify policy, legislative, or other tools needed to strengthen existing efforts to hold perpetrators accountable. 

This workshop is co-hosted by the US Department of Justice. 

  • Moderator: Aurora Fagan, Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida and National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team
  • Rapporteur: Dr Carina Kabajunga, Head Information and Technology Section, Commonwealth Secretariat 
  • Secretariat: Nina Lichtner, Octopus Project, Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office 
Andrea Martin-Swaby
Andrea Martin-Swaby Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Unit Head, Cybercrime & Digital Forensics Unit, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Jamaica
Artur Degtariov
Artur Degtariov National Inspectorate of Investigations, Republic of Moldova
Aurora Fagan
Aurora Fagan Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida and National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team
Caroline Bettinger-Lopez
Caroline Bettinger-Lopez Senior Advisor on Gender & Equality, Office for Victims of Crime, US Department of Justice
Dr Carina Kabajunga
Dr Carina Kabajunga Head Information and Technology Section, Commonwealth Secretariat
Maruquel Castroverde
Maruquel Castroverde Panama


International Conference

Promoting the role of women in preventing, investigating and prosecuting cybercrime
10 - 11 November 2022
Co-hosted by