11 NOVEMBER, 10.30 – 11.45

Law enforcement agencies are on the frontline of the fight against cybercrime. Yet law enforcement action against cybercrime does not always consider or integrate the specific experience of women. Embedding a gender-sensitive approach to cybercrime among law enforcement agencies means understanding the different ways cybercrimes target and affect women and men, and devising responses accordingly. It also involves ensuring that women are engaged across different law enforcement functions to support the proper recording and investigation of cybercrimes against women. 

Drawing on experience from law enforcement practitioners from across the world, this workshop will showcase how women are contributing to effective law enforcement action against cybercrime, and identify what is needed to further promote the role of women in this sphere. It will also explore how law enforcement agencies can improve their investigation of cybercrimes against women.  

This workshop is co-hosted by the International Association of Women Police. 

  • Moderator: Ivonne Daza, Regional Coordinator for Central and South America, International Association of Women Police 
  • Rapporteur: Dong Uk Kim, Specialised Officer, Cybercrime Directorate, INTERPOL 
  • Secretariat: Catalina Stroe, GLACY+ project, Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office 
Dong Uk Kim
Dong Uk Kim Specialised Officer, Cybercrime Directorate, INTERPOL
Irene Cena
Irene Cena Police Lieutenant Colonel and Acting Chief, Women and Children Cybercrime Protection Unit, Anti-Cybercrime Group, Philippine National Police
Ivonne Daza
Ivonne Daza Regional Coordinator for Central and South America, International Association of Women Police
Jessica Nankunda
Jessica Nankunda Rwanda Investigation Bureau
Jessica Neilson
Jessica Neilson Leading Senior Constable, Cybercrime Operations, Australian Federal Police
Magda Priscila Trindade Segui
Magda Priscila Trindade Segui Department of Computer Crimes of the General Directorate for the Fight against Organized Crime and Interpol Principal Officer, Ministry of Interior, Uruguay
Shqipe Salihu
Shqipe Salihu Kosovo* Police


International Conference

Promoting the role of women in preventing, investigating and prosecuting cybercrime
10 - 11 November 2022
Co-hosted by