11 NOVEMBER, 9.15-10.30  

Comprehensive legislation is the foundation of the criminal justice response to cybercrime. While the growing proliferation of cybercrime worldwide has pushed the issue to the forefront of many governments’ agendas, this attention needs to be matched by concerted efforts to develop and implement robust legislation and policies in line with international standards and human rights safeguards. Negotiating and drafting effective legislation requires policymakers and legislators to develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature of cybercrime, including the different ways in which such crimes target and affect women and men. Legislators can also be effective advocates in outreach initiatives to relevant ministries to promote the adoption of gender-sensitive cybercrime legislation. 

This workshop will showcase how women are contributing to the development of legislation on cybercrime and electronic evidence worldwide, and identify steps to further strengthen their ability to contribute as expert law- and policymakers. It will also explore how laws and policies may need to be adapted to better address cybercrimes against women. 

This workshop is co-hosted by Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and the Global Forum for Cyber Expertise (GFCE).

  • Moderator: Betty Shave, Former Assistant Deputy Chief for International Computer Crime, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, US Department of Justice
  • Rapporteur: Peter Barcroft, Senior Director, International Peace and Security Program, Parliamentarians for Global Action 
  • Secretariat: Nina Lichtner, Octopus Project, Council of Europe Cybercrime Programme Office
Ana Maria Pinilla Moron
Ana Maria Pinilla Moron Crime Prevention Coordination, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia
Betty Shave
Betty Shave Former Assistant Deputy Chief for International Computer Crime, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, US Department of Justice
Hon. Catherine Tarawally
Hon. Catherine Tarawally Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone
Hon. Romel Springer
Hon. Romel Springer MP, Barbados
Khursheed Rossenkhan
Khursheed Rossenkhan Deputy Secretary for Legal Drafting, Attorney General’s Chambers, Botswana
Nataliya Tkachuk
Nataliya Tkachuk Head of the Information and Cyber Security Directorate at the Office of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine
Peter Barcroft
Peter Barcroft Senior Director, International Peace and Security Program, Parliamentarians for Global Action


International Conference

Promoting the role of women in preventing, investigating and prosecuting cybercrime
10 - 11 November 2022
Co-hosted by