Back Training on Mutual Legal Assistance in AML/CFT investigations

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© Council of Europe

The training on “Mutual Legal Assistance in AML/CFT Investigations” took place on 9-10 October 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan and brought together 30 prosecutors and investigators of the Anti-Corruption Directorate, General Prosecutor’s Office, as well as judges, representatives of the Financial Monitoring Service, State Security Service and other relevant law enforcement authorities.

The training aimed to provide a general overview of the legal and institutional aspects in Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA). Furthermore, the participants obtained insights into the best international practices on how to successfully receive and send MLA requests and minimise the grounds for refusals from foreign jurisdictions when seeking MLA. The training course was complimented with hypothetical case studies focusing on practical issues and legal constraints that law enforcement and judiciary face while collecting and exchanging information through MLA, as well as parallel financial investigations and the role of MLA. The importance of cooperation at national level along with international cooperation was specifically highlighted as a key step to assist in criminal investigations or proceedings.

Baku, Azerbaijan 9-10 October 2019
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