Meetings in 2024 ...

30 May 2024, Meeting of the CDCPP Bureau (Bucharest, Romania)

  • Agenda
  • Report

25-26 September 2023, Meeting of the CDCPP Bureau

  • Agenda
  • Report

24-25 May 2023, Meeting of the CDCPP Bureau

Composition of the CDCPP Bureau


  • Chair: Terje Birkrem HOVLAND (Norway)
  • Vice-Chair: Carmen CROITORU (Romania)



  • Anna Steiner (Austria)
  • Edin Veladzic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Mirna Sabljak (Croatia)
  • Ulla Salmela (Finland)
  • Baiba Murniece (Latvia)
  • Barbara Zeches (Luxembourg)
  • Gilles Rudaz (Switzerland)


Together with representatives of Council of Europe member states, steering committees benefit from the participation of other organisations as observers, including civil society and representatives of business, technical, professional and academic communities.

CDCPP: criteria for observers >>

Illustration about the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
  • Daniil KHOCHABO
  • Gillian FRENCH

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