Back Yannick Meneceur receives the Cercle Montesquieu 2021 Award

Yannick Meneceur receives the Cercle Montesquieu 2021 Award

The Information Society Department is delighted to congratulate one of its members of staff, Head of the Digital Development Unit, Yannick Meneceur, on receiving the Cercle Montesquieu Prize 2021. The Cercle Montesquieu Prize is a reference in the field of legal works and has been awarded every year since 1997 for the best publications on business law or on the management of legal functions. 
Yannick Meneceur's book "L'intelligence artificielle en procès : Plaidoyer pour une réglementation internationale et européenne", published by Bruylant, received this award on 8 September 2021 from the French association of legal directors, at the closing of the 9th edition of the "Débats du Cercle".
This award is an important acknowledgement of Yannick Meneceur's tireless commitment to the constitution of a legal framework for the development of this technology, based on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Council of Europe is pleased to see the work and success of its staff recognised, which is also an important endorsement of the Council of Europe's efforts over many years to regulate digital technologies.
The Cercle Montesquieu 2020 Prize was awarded to the book Blockchain et actif numérique by Dominique Legeais, published by LexisNexis.

Strasbourg 08/09/2021
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Towards an application of AI based on human rights, the rule of law and democracy