Intercultural checklist
Assessing the potential of draft policies, project proposals, or actions entailing the involvement of human and financial resources is a necessary but difficult process for public authorities. The Intercultural Cities programme offers all member cities three easy-to-use intercultural checklists and a full guide to check if their planned or proposed project, policies or actions are intercultural compared to the three principles of intercultural integration: real equality, diversity advantage and meaningful interaction.
The intercultural checklists and guide could also be used to evaluate completed projects, or projects submitted to the city by partners for possible funding. City coordinators, working groups, civil society and other interested parties who complete the intercultural checklists will find questions to consider, good practice examples from the Intercultural Cities network as well as feedback and scoring at the end.
The checklist can be accessed either through the three online checklists below or through the written guide (+ Portuguese version).
Practical instructions
The intercultural checklist aims to be simple and transparent. Questions are phrased so that you can tick the boxes which apply to your project. You may be invited to a further check/action at the end of the intercultural checklist if the answer is not fully positive. After completing the intercultural checklist, you should be able to easily identify to what extent the principle is reflected in the policy or project. Finally, there are suggestions for further reading and good practice in the areas that could be strengthened.
The responses to the intercultural checklist are anonymous and you are free to move between questions and sections. The intercultural checklist is estimated to take around 15 minutes to complete, with additional time should you wish to read all recommendations and materials. You are also invited to save the materials for future reference. You will receive suggestions at the end of the intercultural checklist after the feedback page.