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Bahrain, Judicial Exam Development Specialist (2 weeks-February 2008; April 2008 (Manama, Bahrain)

Anglais seulement

The Bahrain Rule of Law Judicial Exam Development Specialist will participate in up to three fourteen-day in-country postings, which will include working meetings and presentations with key stakeholders to help introduce, develop and implement a Judicial Exam for use by the Bahrain Ministry of Justice. In order to identify and address the essential goals and key features of a structured judicial exam, the Specialist will be working directly with local judges and the Bahrain Judicial Development Committee (JDC).

The incumbent will present a workshop, using a comparative approach, to outline and review a number of approaches, including suitable criteria and mechanisms from other jurisdictions, to address the existing system’s challenges. The Specialist will facilitate the work of the JDC in order to develop a model judicial exam that will help enhance the judicial selection process in Bahrain. This person should have experience with courts and judicial training; including judicial ethics and the evaluation of judicial skills.

This exam will help identify the best candidates and appoint them using objective criteria to assess important attributes: measurement of character; fair-mindedness and integrity. The incumbent should have the expertise necessary to consult with diverse legal stakeholders and help make recommendations to develop and implement the inaugural judicial exam process.

To apply for the International Pro Bono Legal Specialist Program please fill out the Online Participant Information Form available at http://portal.abarol.org/ILRP/Registration.asp.

Programme de formation sur le secteur de la réforme judiciaire

Le but du programme de formation du Réseau international des Droits de l’Homme (IHRN) est d’accroître les compétences des participants en appliquant une approche basée sur les Droits de l'homme au secteur de la réforme judiciaire.

Ce programme de formation se déroulera à Maynoooth en Irlande du 16 au 20 juin 2008 et s’adresse aux professionnels du secteur de la justice des pays en voie de développement et industrialisés ainsi qu’à conseillers politiques, des responsables de projet et des consultants… La date limite d’inscription est le 2 mai 2008.

Formulaire d’inscription et détails des autres programmes de formation 2008 de l’IHRN