Vés enrere Commissioner addresses San Marino colloquy on future of the Court


At a colloquy organised by the Council of Europe's San Marino Chairmanship, held on 22- 23 March in San Marino, Commissioner Hammarberg presented a series of proposals on strengthening cooperation with ombudsmen and National Human Rights Institutions in order to safeguard the long-term effectiveness of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Commissioner described the measures as part of an effort to further develop a "human rights conscience" in member states, at all levels of society.

The colloquy provided an opportunity for an open exchange of views on the reform measures recommended by the Group of Wise Persons in November 2006. The over 100 participants included Gil Carlos Rodriguez-Iglesias, Chair of the Group of Wise Persons, Jean-Paul Costa, President of the Court of Human Rights, as well as Secretary General Terry Davis and Deputy Secretary General Maud de Boer-Buquicchio on behalf of the Council of Europe.

San Marino 23/03/2007
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