News 2010

Human Rights Comment

Austerity budgets will cause further child poverty

21/12/2010 Strasbourg

While the European Union promoted 2010 as the “European Year Against Poverty”, several member states presented austerity budgets which will inevitably push more people into destitution. There are already large numbers of children among the poor, and it is obvious that the struggle against child...

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Human Rights Comment

Countries of the former Yugoslavia need to step up their efforts to resolve cases of missing persons

14/12/2010 Strasbourg

The presidents of Serbia and Croatia have met on several occasions recently and the issue of missing persons has been high on their agenda. It has been reported that the president of Serbia, Mr Boris Tadic, brought with him important documents to the latest meeting concerning persons who have...

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Human Rights Comment

Desecrations of cemeteries are hate crimes that exacerbate intolerance

30/11/2010 Strasbourg

Every second day a cemetery is desecrated in France. Acts of profanation, such as the destructions of tombs and sprayed hate messages on religious and other symbolic places, are on the rise in Europe. This is not just an issue of serious concern for the respect of religious freedom – these are...

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Human Rights Comment

Europe should accept more refugees in need of safe resettlement

23/11/2010 Strasbourg

European countries are closing their borders to migrants, arguing that they have room only for “genuine” refugees, who cannot return to their home countries without risking their lives or freedom. Yet Europe’s role to help such refugees into safety is relatively small. More ought to be done in...

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Czech Republic: “Equal education for Roma children should be guaranteed”, says Commissioner Hammarberg

Strasbourg, 22/11/10 – "There has been virtually no change on the ground in the Czech Republic since the European Court of Human Rights found three years ago that the country had discriminated against Roma children by educating them in schools for children with mental disabilities." This was...

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Bulgaria: Commissioner Hammarberg calls for more respect of minority rights

Strasbourg, 04/11/2010 - Letter - The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, published today a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Boyko Borisov, on human rights of national and religious minorities. Commissioner Hammarberg highlights the need for the...

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France: Dialogue between Commissioner Hammarberg and Minister Hortefeux on the desecration of cemeteries

Strasbourg, 02/11/10 – "I was deeply disturbed to learn of the desecration of 37 graves in the Muslim section of Strasbourg cemetery on 24 September. Sadly, this despicable act is not the only one of its kind. Four Jewish or Muslim cemeteries have been vandalised this year in the greater...

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The prohibition of torture is absolute and no exceptions allowed, ever

Strasbourg, 30/10/10 – "Despite a clear and absolute ban of torture in international and national laws, detainees are exposed or subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment in many European states. A solid underpinning of this legal requirement is now needed more than ever", said...

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Human Rights Comment

European Muslims are stigmatised by populist rhetoric

28/10/2010 Strasbourg

European countries appear to face another crisis beyond budget deficits – the disintegration of human values. One symptom is the increasing expression of intolerance towards Muslims. The Swiss referendum banning the building of minarets was no exception: opinion polls in several European...

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Human Rights Comment

Freedom to demonstrate is a human right – even when the message is critical

26/10/2010 Strasbourg

Sunday 31 October will be a test for the effectiveness in practice of the right to peaceful assembly, which is enshrined in Article 31 of the Russian Constitution. For more than a year “Strategy 31” rallies have been held in Moscow, St Petersburg and some other Russian cities on months with that...

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Human Rights Comment

Inhuman treatment of persons with disabilities in institutions

21/10/2010 Strasbourg

The prosecutor general in Bulgaria has initiated criminal investigations into 166 deaths and 30 more cases of abuse of children living in state homes for young people with mental disabilities. This was an important signal not only for the Bulgarian authorities but for several other states with...

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Human rights of Roma migrants in Europe

Strasbourg, 18/10/10 – What are the root causes of Roma migration in today's Europe? What are the human rights of Roma when they move from one country to another? What should receiving countries do to ensure that the human rights of Roma migrants are fully respected? The study republished today...

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Country visit

“Romania needs to put an end to anti-Gypsyism” says Commissioner Hammarberg

15/10/2010 Strasbourg

"Without resolute action to stamp out anti-Gypsyism, it will not be possible to help many Romanian Roma out of social exclusion and marginalisation." After a three-day visit to Romania focused on the human rights of Roma, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg,...

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Human Rights Comment

Airlines are not immigration authorities

12/10/2010 Strasbourg

European states seek to reduce immigration through improper threats of sanctions against airlines and other transport companies. They pass heavy responsibility on to the carriers in order to limit access to their territories. Travel personnel, who cannot possibly have the appropriate competencies...

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Report on visits to Georgia

Georgia: “Further improvements needed to ensure human rights and humanitarian protection”

07/10/2010 Strasbourg

"All sides should ensure a faster improvement of the human rights situation in the areas affected by the August 2008 conflict" said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, releasing today a report based on his latest visits to Georgia. In particular the...

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Roma in Europe: It is high time for states to move from words to action and eliminate systemic discrimination

Strasbourg, 30/09/10 – "Roma and Travellers continue to be subject to racism and pervasive discrimination across all social sectors in many European countries. It is high time to act to reverse this situation" said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, at the...

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Report on monitoring of investigations of missing persons

August 2008 armed conflict in Georgia: serious shortcomings in clarifying the fate of missing persons

29/09/2010 Strasbourg

"Regrettably, there have been serious shortcomings in the process of clarifying the fate of missing persons and ensuring accountability for the perpetrators of illegal acts". With these words, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, published today a report...

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Human Rights Comment

The public has the right to know what those they elected are doing

27/09/2010 Strasbourg

Voters have the right to know about the decisions taken by their elected politicians and public administrations. The need for such transparency is recognised in principle in several European countries, but is not yet a reality throughout large parts of the continent. While the authorities collect...

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Human Rights Comment

The ‘Dublin Regulation’ undermines refugee rights

22/09/2010 Strasbourg

The asylum procedures of European countries are still flawed – they need to be improved and better harmonised. One of the necessary reforms is to overhaul the dysfunctional so-called Dublin Regulation within the European Union. Under the Dublin system, the responsibility for examining asylum...

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Rights of migrants in France: Commissioner Hammarberg calls on the authorities to comply fully with European standards

Strasbourg, 21/09/10 – "Improvements need to be made to uphold migrants' rights in France", said the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, today as he published a letter sent to the French Minister for Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Development...

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