Назад World Environment Day: "Local and regional authorities are accountable to their citizens for combating climate change"

World Environment Day:

"Human activities and a lack of individual and collective awareness are undoubtedly the cause of climate change. The only possible response is political action at all levels of governance to tackle this triple global crisis of pollution, climate change and loss of biodiversity", declared Cemal Baş (Türkiye, EPP/CCE), Congress spokesperson for the environment and climate change.

At the Reykjavik Summit on 16-17 May, the Heads of State and Government affirmed that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is essential for the full exercise of human rights by present and future generations. The Congress believes that local and regional elected representatives play a key role in tackling the climate emergency. They must put their skills at the service of inclusive climate action at the heart of local and regional decision-making processes.

"There is no time to lose. Local and regional authorities are accountable to their citizens, to present and future generations, for the actions and decisions they take to combat climate change. In this respect, a green reading of the European Charter of Local Self-Government is now essential", concluded the Congress spokesperson Baş.

See also :

The Congress is responsible for the local and regional dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the Council of Europe. The Congress' approach is based on three key principles: achieving the SDGs is the shared responsibility of all levels of government; local and regional authorities must have the necessary powers and financial autonomy to achieve the goals in their respective areas; and citizens must always remain at the heart of the action.

World Environment Day Strasbourg, France 6 June 2023
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