Назад Tunisia, EU and Council of Europe: assessment of the second phase of the program "Democratic governance in the South of the Mediterranean"

Tunisia, EU and Council of Europe: assessment of the second phase of the program

The meeting of the Bilateral Steering Committee of the South II Programme was held on 21 November 2017 in Tunis. It allowed the Tunisian participants and representatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe to take stock of the achievements of the second phase of this programme financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Speaking at the session on local democracy, Xavier CADORET, Vice-President of the Congress, presented the activities developed by the Congress as part of its SOUTH-MED partnership programme in Tunisia as well as future projects.  Mr  CADORET added that the Congress, its members, and the members of its Group of Independent Experts on the Charter of Local Self-Government, were ready to continue to support Tunisia on its path to decentralisation.

Proposals for future Congress activities include, in particular, a legislative and electoral assistance component (with a view to the municipal elections scheduled for 25 March 2018), training and capacity-building activities for election candidates and future elected representatives as well as reinforced support to the Tunisian Association of Local Authorities, the FNVT.

Also during the session on local democracy, Mokhtar HAMMAMI, President of the Instance of Prospective and Support to the Decentralisation Process, welcomed the assistance provided by the Congress, underlining that “decentralisation is a long process that requires a vision in the medium and long term”. He also stressed that to ensure that decentralisation plays its role as a fundamental lever of local democracy, "the legal arsenal developed must be supplemented with human and financial resources".

SOUTH-MED Tunis, Tunisia 21 November 2017
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