Back Secretary General Jagland proposes expert panel to oversee investigation into Kiev clashes

Secretary General

Following his visit to Ukraine,Secretary General Jaglandpublished the following statement:

"The aim of our discussions with government and opposition representatives has been to find avenues for dialogue in view of a political solution to the current crisis in Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine must be able to have confidence in their political system and in the judiciary.

A precondition for any political solution is a thorough and transparent investigation into the violent incidents of last Saturday and Sunday.

These events will leave an open wound in Ukrainian society if the truth is not revealed.

The investigation and its results must be accepted by all concerned.

This is why I have proposed to create an expert advisory panel to oversee the investigation, consisting of one member nominated by the opposition, one member nominated by the government, and one member from the international community.

The Council of Europe is available to nominate a respected and experienced expert in human rights.

Transparency and acceptance of this investigation will be the first step to rebuilding trust in Ukraine", he said.

Ukraine: Secretary General meets leaders of parliamentary parties, speaker of Parliament, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister

Kiev 05/12/2013
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