Support to more integral and inclusive electoral processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Council of Europe is continuesly implementing electoral programmes for Bosnia and Herzegovina with Strategic Objective to ensure the effective implementation of the principles of the European electoral heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to further improve the electoral practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina and increase confidence in the electoral system

Following the project implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018 and 2019, Election and Civil Society Division of the Council of Europe is implementing project titled “Support to more integral and inclusive electoral processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.


What are the project objectives?

To improve the electoral practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina and increase confidence in the electoral system in:

  • strengthening the capacity of the election administration at all levels to administer elections in line with international standards and certification;
  • strenghtening the capacity of the media for professional, independent, continuous, and relevant monitoring and reporting on election process;
  • promoting representation of under-represented categories of voters and civil participation in democratic decision-making process.


Some examples of project activities:

  • Create and provide unified curriculum for the training and education of Election Administration;
  • Conduct quality education and training for municipal and polling station election commissions and certify members of these commissions;
  • Create a long-term database with relevant information on education and certification;
  • Organisation of post election conference - Elaborating and publishing recommendations following the 2020 Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Training and education of the representatives/chief editors of main media in Bosnia and Herzegovina in line with international standards.


Who are our partners?

The main partners of the project are the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina and civil society organisations working in the field of elections.

Through its actions and activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, our Division contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16 as well as indirectly to a number of others.