Назад Ethics in local policies: local elected representatives from Eastern Partnership join forces

Ethics in local policies: local elected representatives from Eastern Partnership join forces

“Transparency, accountability and citizen participation need our full attention, involvement and timely reaction. Although our situations and expectations may differ, it is precisely through exchanges among peers as those we have shared during these three days that we will be able to implement these objectives,” concluded one of the local elected representatives involved in the regional seminar “Local public ethics: from vision to action”. Held in Kyiv, Ukraine, the seminar has gathered together about 100 participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and other European countries - local elected representatives, associations of local and regional authorities, members of Congress and experts. Through a combination of interactive plenary and working group sessions, involving Congress members Robert Biedron (Poland, SOC) and Saša Paunović (Serbia, SOC) extensive exchanges of experience and in-depth discussions have been carried out on how to enhance transparency and develop local public policies with higher ethical standards. 

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Co-operation Seminar Kyiv (Ukraine) 28 June 2016
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