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Back Commissioner calls on Croatia to investigate allegations of collective expulsions of migrants and of violence by law enforcement officers

Commissioner calls on Croatia to investigate allegations of collective expulsions of migrants and of violence by law enforcement officers

In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Croatia published today, Commissioner Mijatović raises concerns about allegations of collective expulsions of 2500 migrants since the beginning of 2018 and reported violence and other crimes allegedly committed by law enforcement officers.

“The Croatian authorities should initiate and carry out prompt, effective and independent investigations into all recorded cases of collective expulsions and of allegations of violence against migrants, as well as other alleged crimes such as theft, and take all necessary measures to end such practices and prevent their recurrence”, writes the Commissioner.

In this context, Commissioner Mijatović reiterates that all efforts to manage migration should be made strictly in line with the rule of law and binding international legal principles and urges the authorities to ensure that anyone who intends to make an asylum application gets access to a fair and effective procedure.

> Read the letter of the Commissioner to the Prime Minister of Croatia

> Read the reply of the Minister of Interior of Croatia

Strasbourg 05/10/2018
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