The I choose equality campaign aims to raise awareness about human rights and anti-discrimination policy and their importance for securing democracy, peace and prosperity in Georgian society.


Cover of report of public survey on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination in GeorgiaRead the results of the public survey on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination in Georgia: attitudes and awareness.

What do Georgians think about:

  • diversity in Georgian society
  • rights of minorites and vulnerable groups
  • who is affected by discrimination, hate crime and hate speech?
  • redress mechanisms and do they work?


"The main reason people think diversity is positive is that diversity makes life more interesting or that it is valuable in and of itself. In contrast, the main reason people think that diversity is negative for Georgia is that it is a threat to “our culture and traditions.”

Public survey on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination in Georgia: attitudes and awareness

  • Raise awareness about the risks discrimination, hate speech, hate crime poses to Georgian society;
  • Help us develop and disseminate tools and mechanisms for reporting hate speech;
  • Promote diversity and tolerance and narrow the gaps between the minority groups and majority ethnic Georgians;
  • Learn about the rights of minority groups (ethnic, religious, LGBTI, women and youth within minority groups), and the importance and benefits of diversity and tolerance;
  • Learn about the redress mechanisms and available services.



"When it comes to existing redress mechanisms, half of people are generally aware of the fact that they can turn to the police, the courts, and the Public Defender’s Office if they are the victim of hate crime or hate speech. Yet, a smaller share of people would actually turn to these organisations if they were a victim."

Public survey on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination in Georgia: attitudes and awareness

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The campaign was prepared and is co-ordinated with our partners:

კამპანია ტარდება დანიის სამეზობლო პროგრამის (DANEP) მხარდაჭერით, საქართველოსთვის ევროსაბჭოს სამოქმედო გეგმის ფარგლებში.