Retour Call for civil society organisations to participate in an impact study on counter and alternative narratives to address hate speech

Call for civil society organisations to participate in an impact study on counter and alternative narratives to address hate speech

The Council of Europe invites civil society organisations to take part in the impact study and gain valuable insights in their work on counter-narratives to hate speech. The objective of the study is to provide conclusions (insights) to help practitioners understand how counter and alternative narratives can be effective in combating hate speech online.

Organisations with experience in consistent use of human rights-based counter and alternative narratives in their work and their thematic engagement on topics relevant for the Anti-Discrimination Department, are encouraged to apply. The call is open for CSOs based and operating in any of the 27 EU member states or working on European level.

More information about the study and the application requirements can be found here. The deadline to apply is 7 January 2024. 

The impact study is implemented in the framework of the EU-Council of Europe joint project “Increasing civil society organisations’ knowledge and capacity to counter hate speech online”.  The project aims to improve cooperation and know-how exchange between project beneficiaries on combating hate speech online, while promoting human rights, by using counter and alternative narratives in awareness-raising and education. The project activities support networking, exchange of good practices and peer support between organisations.

Strasbourg December 2023
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