Specific projects in Finland

Delivering good governance and balanced local economy in Finland

 What is the goal?

Contributing to the ongoing reform on establishing regional governance for provision of health, social welfare and rescue services in Finland, the project aims to ensure a higher quality / efficiency in the delivery of these public services, notably by assisting the Finnish authorities to:

  • Improve the relevant legislative framework pertaining to good democratic governance at the local and regional level, in accordance with the best European practice;
  • Enhance the performance of municipalities and regions through improved awareness, knowledge and skills.


 How will the project contribute?

In particular, the project will contribute through:

  • Provision of Policy advice containing concrete recommendations to the Finnish authorities on:
    • Revision of competences and operational mechanisms at the local and regional level;
    • Fiscal decentralisation and fiscal autonomy of the regional and local governments, and the fiscal impact of the ongoing reform;
    • Metropolitan governance, including the status of the Capital City Helsinki and spatial planning.
  • Supporting the local and regional authorities in improving the delivery of public services to their citizens, by implementing the following Centre of Expertise’ capacity-building tools:


 Who benefits from the project?

  • Finnish central authorities such as the Ministry of Finance
  • The local and regional institutional structures and their staff;
  • Finnish implementing partner institutions;
  • Other stakeholders: relevant organisations and institutions in Finland that have particular expertise and experience in the topics of the project and access to a relevant network of national experts, such as SITRA ­– fund directly accountable to the Finnish Parliament;
  • Finnish citizens and society at large.


 How will the project work?

The Council of Europe’s Centre of Expertise for Good Governance will steer the direction and dynamics for implementation of the project in coordination with the main beneficiary – Ministry of Finance, the main donor - DG REFORM of the European Commission, Finnish implementing partner institutions as well as other relevant stakeholders.

The Centre of Expertise will also ensure the overall implementation of the project in cooperation with the national implementing partners. In particular:

  • The Centre of Expertise will provide the international expertise in the project activities and ensure alignment of the work carried out with the relevant European standards. It will also share the best European practice in local and regional governance drawn from the inter-governmental European Committee on Democracy and Governance.
  • The Finnish implementing partners will ensure the local expertise necessary for contextualising the proposed policy advice and capacity-building tools. They will also take care of logistical arrangements, when needed.

The project is part of a cooperation framework agreement between the Council of Europe and the DG REFORM of the European Commission.


 Budget and duration

  • The project “Delivering good governance and balanced local economy in Finland” is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission.
  • The total budget of the project is € 833 334
  • The project will run from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2024

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