Enhancing Social Human Rights in Armenia
Start Date: 01 January 2024
Duration: 24 months
Budget: EUR 600 000
Donor: Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026
Partners: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia, The Human Rights Defender's Office the Republic of Armenia and the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia.
In addition, the Project will work with legal professionals and CSOs.
Contact Person: Emma MKRTCHYAN, Senior Project Officer
The project underscores the foundational role of social rights in democracy building and will focus on accomplishing the following outcomes:
- Provide expert support for aligning national legislation on housing, employment, vocational training, and labour rights with European standards, adopting a comprehensive, gender-sensitive approach.
- Empowering national authorities to harmonise policies and practices with European standards, ensuring proper protection and implementation of social rights.
- Strengthening the decision-makers' awareness of the procedure for accepting new provisions of the European Social Charter and the Collective Complaints procedure.
- Capacity development for staff from the Human Rights Defender's Office, civil society organisations and legal professionals to effectively implement and monitor adherence to social rights in line with the European Social Charter and the case-law of the European Committee of Social Rights.
- Enhancing awareness among displaced individuals and people from vulnerable groups about their rights and entitlements, emphasising their social rights and the availability of social services. Simultaneously, it seeks to elevate the understanding of national and local authorities concerning their roles, responsibilities, and the provision of social services at both national and local levels.”