The Council of Europe: “A Red Cross for Human Rights”

18 June 2017 Strasbourg

« In the fight against terrorism, human rights are no impediment ». Interview with the Secretary General translated from Der Tagesspiegel 18 June 2017 The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, speaks about Theresa May’s Brexit plans, measures against fake news and the...

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Don’t Caricature Europe’s Court

12 December 2016 The New York Times / International

By Thorbjørn Jagland Europe is entering a big election year. In 2017, voters in a range of countries, including France, Germany, the Netherlands and now possibly Italy, will go to the polls. We can expect campaigns fought on stark battle lines. Austerity policies and immigration will feature. So...

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How to talk about terrorism - This is no time for taboos in the classroom

1 September 2016, 4:12 PM CET | Updated 5 September 2016, 5:38 PM CET

By Thorbjørn Jagland, Sayeeda Warsi and Francesco Ragazzi Europe’s young people are growing up at a time when the Continent is facing a host of divisive issues: terrorism, austerity, refugees, war in Ukraine, instability in Turkey and Brexit in Britain. As they develop their cultural and...

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The situation in Turkey after the failed coup and the role of the Council of Europe

22 August 2016 Le Monde / La Stampa / Hürriyet / Hürriyet Daily News / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Much has been written and said about the recent military coup attempt in Turkey and its aftermath. Yet it is difficult to comprehend, until you have witnessed it for yourself, the deep impact on Turkish citizens of these violent events which claimed 290 lives. During my recent visit to Ankara, I...

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Bring Moldova back from the brink

11 August 2015 The New York Times / International

The Republic of Moldova — a tiny country of just 3.5 million people — is at risk of becoming Europe’s next security crisis, with potential consequences far beyond its borders. A former Soviet Republic sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova sits at the crossroads between Europe’s East and...

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Britain can be at the heart of a torture-free Europe

Tuesday 3 March 2015 The Guardian

In an Austrian prison 25 years ago, a team of foreign monitors heard repeatedly from prisoners who had been beaten in police custody. Over an eight-day period, serious abuse was exposed in a country where few had imagined it. Protections were subsequently put in place – and Europe’s anti-torture...

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Why We Are Setting Up a European Roma Institute

March 26, 2015. European Voice

For more than four decades Europe’s Roma community have wanted to establish an institution that would give their music, art, and unique traditions their own stage. Across the continent, such bodies exist to celebrate an array of cultures, nationalities, and identities. Yet there is nothing of...

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Council of Europe is not blind to Azerbaijan’s violations

22 May 2014 European Voice (Brussels)

Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Council of Europe will put its violations of human rights in the spotlight, writes the secretary-general of the Council of Europe In recent days and weeks much has been written about the human-rights situation in Azerbaijan, among others by The Economist and by...

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Aserbaidschan und die Menschenrechte

23 May 2014 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

In den vergangenen Tagen und Wochen ist in europäischen Medien viel über die Menschenrechtslage in Aserbaidschan berichtet worden ("Hilfe aus Baku. Aserbaidschans Gas könnte Europas Abhängigkeit von Moskau mindern" von Michael Martens, F.A.Z. vom 16. Mai). Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Vorsitz...

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Racism – Europe’s Common Problem

29 July 2011 ("Aftenposten")

Since the terrorist attacks in Oslo and Utøya, countless foreign media have sought my opinion. They all ask the same questions: What will happen in Norway now? Will Norway be recognisable after this? Could something similar happen in other countries? At first, I answered that Norway will be...

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A new era for privacy by Thorbjørn Jagland

27 January 2011 (European Voice / International)

New media are challenging the traditional boundaries of data protection. This year's Data Protection Day – 28 January – takes place against a backdrop of international controversy, with debate raging on the rights and wrongs of Wikileaks, users of social media waking up to the privacy pitfalls of...

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Thorbjørn Jagland : Democratic Security and Respect for Human Rights in the 21st century

4 January 2011 (New Europe / International)

Europe has witnessed dramatic changes in recent years , which gave Europe more peace and unity than ever before in its history, as well as a constant economic growth which - combined with a colossal technological revolution - afforded to European societies an unprecedented high level of...

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Only in Europe have we taken seriously the Universal declaration of Human rights

5 November 2010 (''Toute l'Europe'')

Toute l'Europe: As you know, yesterday was the sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the European Convention of Human Rights. What happened during these 60 years, what results did it manage to achieve? What remains to be done? Thorbjørn Jagland: The implementation of the Convention is ensured by...

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Finally One Europe without dividing lines?

30 August 2010 (''New Europe'')

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe outlines the progressive accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights, it may still take a while 1950-2010: sixty years of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Europe. This year we celebrate the 60th birthday of the...

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Banning the burqa compromises the very principles that we value

7 July 2010 (''The Independent'')

No woman should be forced to wear religious apparel by her community or family. Nobody should be forced to go to any kind of house of prayer. We say no to oppressive doctrines or laws which limit the freedom of individuals. The European Convention on Human Rights is the basis for our rights and...

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We must look deeper for Europe's future

4 July 2010 (''New Europe'')

Europe's human rights landscape is about to change. The accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights, made possible by the Lisbon Treaty, will complete a cycle begun at the end of the second world war when human rights visionaries, such as French lawyer and Nobel...

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Spectres of inhumanity

29 June 2010 (''The Guardian'')

New hatreds are surfacing in Europe. The economic crisis cannot be an excuse to walk over human rights Europe's human rights landscape is about to change. The accession of the EU to the European convention on human rights, made possible by the Lisbon treaty, will complete a cycle begun at the end...

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Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity should be consigned to the pages of history!

17 May 2010 / 31 May 2010 (''Metro magazine'', Poland; ''Têtu'', France / ''New Europe'')

17 May marks the International Day against Homophobia. Europe has seen important progress in addressing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. But there is more to be done. In March, the representatives of the 47 member countries of the oldest European organisation,...

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65 years of humanity and a new Europe

11 May 2010 (''Kommersant'')

By Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe I would like to use the opportunity of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in Europe day to express the deepest gratitude to the soldiers and people of the then Soviet Union for their sacrifice and heroism. They made a decisive...

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