The Schools’ network receives political and financial support by the Council of Europe, which provides core funding for their activities. Other funding sources include specific Council of Europe member states, non-governmental donors and the EU.

In addition to the respective partners of the programme and of each School of Political Studies (list below), the City of Strasbourg makes a financial contribution confirming its political support to the Association of the Schools since its creation.

Schools also develop partnerships in the framework of regional and bilateral initiatives.

Partners of the Schools of Political Studies since their creation: 

  • Agency for Legislative Initiatives, Ukraine 

  • Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (DiFi), Norway
  • Akademija Ženskog Liderstva, Serbia
  • Albanian Institute for International Studies
  • Albanian Ministry of Education and Sports
  • Albanian School of Public Administration
  • Ambassadors for Philanthropy
  • America for Bulgaria Foundation 

  • Anadolu Kültür, Turkey
  • Antall József Knowledge Centre, Hungary
  • Armenian Association of Civic Educators
  • Association Nouvelle Europe, France

  • Association oasis verte pour le développement et la démocratie (AOVDD), Morocco
  • Austrian Ministry of Defence 

  • Balkan Trust for Democracy 

  • Barcelona Centre for International Affairs 

  • Belgrade Security Forum
  • Bonita Trust, Gibraltar
  • British Council

  • British Foreign and Commonwealth Office 

  • Bulgarian National Assembly 

  • Canada Fund 

  • Carnegie Moscow Centre 

  • Central Elections Commission
  • Centre for Monitoring and Research (CEMI), Montenegro 
  • Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding
  • Centres d’Etudes Méditerranéennes Internationales (CEMI) – Tunisia
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, USA 

  • Community Development Fund, Kosovo
  • Croatian Chamber of Commerce 

  • Czech Institute for European Policy (EUROPEUM) 

  • Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

  • Das Progressive Zentrum, Germany
  • Democracy for Development Institute (D4D), Kosovo
  • Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • Dutch Embassy, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

  • Dutch Embassy, Croatia 

  • Dutch Embassy, Georgia 

  • Dutch Embassy, Montenegro
  • Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

  • East West Institute
  • EEA Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
  • Embassy of Japan in Ukraine
  • Erste Bank, Austria 

  • EU Committee of the Regions
  • EU Eastern Partnership (EaP) 

  • EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

  • EU European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) 

  • EU PHARE Programme
  • Europe’s World
  • European Agency for Reconstruction
  • European Commission 

  • European Fund for the Balkans 

  • European Stability Initiative
  • Evropska inicijativa Nis
  • Faculty of Political Sciences, University Crne Gore, Montenegro
  • Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

  • Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs German Embassy, Bulgaria
  • Forum za etnicke odnose, Serbia
  • Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
  • Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia
  • Freedom House, USA
  • French Embassy, Bulgaria 

  • French Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Germany 

  • Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
  • Global Environment Facility
  • Government of Norway
  • Group 484, Serbia
  • Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis”, Macedonia
  • Institute for European Policy, Czech Republic
  • Institute for Public Administration Dublin, Ireland
  • Institute for Statistics and Prognosis, Poland
  • Institute for Sustainable Communities
  • Institute of Public Affairs, Poland
  • Institution of the President of the Republic of Albania
  • International Center for Democratic Transition (ICDT)
  • International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
  • International Idea - Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
  • International Organization for Migration, Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia
  • International Renaissance Foundation, USA
  • International Republican Institute, USA
  • International Visegrad Fund
  • Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Germany
  • Kosovo youth network
  • L’Association Troisième Millénaire pour le Développement de l’Action Associative du Sud-Est (ATMDAS), Morocco
  • Libertas
  • Liechtenstein Government
  • Matra Programme, Netherlands Government
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
  • Ministry of Health of Republic of Macedonia
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Republic of Macedonia
  • National Endowment for Democracy, USA
  • NATO Public Diplomacy Division
  • Neformalnu Zelenu Poslaničku Grupu, Serbia
  • Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy
  • New Eastern Europe
  • Norwegian Embassy, Croatia
  • Norwegian Embassy, Kosovo
  • Norwegian Embassy, Serbia
  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Olof Palme International, Sweden
  • Open Society Foundation Serbia
  • Open World Leadership Centre, USA
  • Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
  • Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
  • Oxford Policy Management, UK
  • Policy Association for an Open Society, Macedonia
  • Polish Embassy, Ukraine
  • Prague Diplomatic Academy
  • Pro Demos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law
  • Providus Centre for Public Policy, Latvia
  • Providus, Latvia
  • Regional Academy for Democracy
  • Réseau Associatif pour le Développement et la Démocratie de Zagora (RAZDED), Morocco
  • Robert Bosch Foundation, Germany
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund, USA
  • Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • School of Democratic Leadership Civic Alliance, Montenegro
  • Serbian Ministry of Defence
  • Serbian Parliament
  • Slovak Atlantic Commission
  • SlovakAid
  • Soros Foundation, Azerbaijan
  • Soros Higher Education Support Programme
  • Southeast European Politics Journal
  • Supporters of Civil Society in Russia
  • Swedish Development Agency (SIDA)
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania
  • Swiss Development Cooperation
  • Swiss Embassy, Kosovo
  • Swiss Embassy, Morocco
  • Swiss Embassy, Ukraine
  • Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Bertelsmann Foundation, USA
  • The European Institute, Bulgaria
  • The Global Integrity
  • The Global Task Force on Building Women Leaders
  • The International Budget Project
  • The World Bank
  • Tissu associatif de Ouarzazate pour le développement (TAOD), Morocco
  • Towards Employability of Knowledge: Development of NQF in Serbia as a Common Language between Education and Labour (NQFS), Serbia
  • Transparency International Bulgaria
  • Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Turkish Development Agency (TIKA)
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
  • United Nation Development Fund for Women
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • USAID Business Enabling Project
  • US Embassy, Serbia
  • US Embassy, Croatia
  • Visegrad Insight
  • Westminster Foundation for Democracy, UK
  • World Wide Fund For Nature Bulgaria (WWF)
  • Zadar Municipality, Croatia
  • Zagreb Tourist Board