Newsletter 12 - October 2017

October 2017

A particular feature of the Network’s activities in 2017 has been a thematic cluster of activities on the subject of refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. This series of meetings began with the Civic Roundtable on "Forced migration and asylum: Dynamics and policy responses in Europe and its...

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Newsletter 11 - May 2016

May 2016

"European democracies today are exposed to a complex blend of threats. It is now more than ever important to reinforce democratic societies based on a political culture marked by pluralism, tolerance and dialogue. This is also highlighted in the Secretary General’s 3rd Report on the ‘State of...

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Newsletter 10 - January 2016

January 2016

"(..) Many Schools are operating in conditions which may be very challenging, either for political or economic reasons (..) many commentators are predicting difficult times ahead in 2016 (..) this is why the Schools are more important than ever – we offer a small oasis of dialogue, communication...

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Newsletter 9 - April 2015

April 2015

“I was delighted to meet with the Schools’ directors at our recent Spring meeting in Budva, Montenegro. (..) Particularly stimulating was the workshop we held on ‘Threats to liberal democracy: a challenge to civil society’.(..). Our Schools (..) are well placed to spearhead honest discussions and...

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Newsletter 8 - January 2015

January 2015

"As a former Deputy Director of the Private Office of the Secretary General I am already well acquainted with the remarkable achievements of the Schools of Political Studies. I will build on the impressive work of my predecessor Ambassador Świtalski and ensure that the Schools remain a priority...

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Newsletter 7 - September 2014

September 2014

“The Council of Europe has responded to the alarming situation in Ukraine with a package of immediate measures funded by voluntary contributions. The Ukrainian School (..) and other partner organisations are contributing by organising confidence–building activities in eastern and southern Ukraine...

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Newsletter 6 - April 2014

April 2014

"(..) two new Schools are about to open their doors: a School for Turkey in Istanbul and a School for Greece in Thessaloniki. (..) discussions are underway with the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, and the Central European University, Budapest, to build synergies between these well–respected...

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Newletter 5 - January 2014

January 2014

"The past year has been a landmark year for the Schools’ Network with three new Schools opening: in Tunisia and Morocco in the Maghreb region, and the first ever regional School serving the Visegrád countries. (..)"

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Newsletter 4 - October 2013

October 2013

“it is the Network of the School of Political Studies which makes the Schools unique (..) when the Schools foster dialogue between participants from countries with frozen conflicts, they are able to provide a safe forum where emerging leaders (..) can explore painful, but always shared histories...

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Newsletter 3 - July 2013

“..all the Schools are working in a context where democracy is facing widespread threat. The problem is not limited to Eastern European countries; there is a dangerous rise in populist movements in Western Europe, undermining ‘old’ democracies. (..) "

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