
Agora Building - Room G04, Strasbourg

14-16 September 2015 (9h30)


1. Opening of the meeting


2. Adoption of the agenda and the order of business

PC-CP (2015) 5

3. Adoption of the summary report of the last meeting


4. Information provided by the Secretariat

PC-CP (2015) 2 rev 2
PC-CP (2015) 12

5. Radicalisation in prisons

PC-CP (2014) 16 rev 2

6. Review of the Recommendations and Resolutions in prison and probation fields

PC-CP (2015) 9
PC-CP (2015) 10

7. Revision of the European Rules on community sanctions and measures Recommendation R (92)16 and Recommendation Rec (2000)22 and their explanatory memorandum


8. Follow-up to be given to the 20th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services


9. SPACE Statistics


10. Draft White paper on prison overcrowding

PC-CP (2015) 6 rev

11. Any other business