Back Italy: GRECO calls for reinforced measures to prevent conflicts of interest in Parliament and the judiciary

Italy: GRECO calls for reinforced measures to prevent conflicts of interest in Parliament and the judiciary

The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has published today its Fourth Round Evaluation Report on Italy. It focuses on the prevention of corruption amongst members of parliament, judges and prosecutors.

GRECO praised Italy for the measures taken in recent years to address the pervasive phenomenon of corruption in the country. The determined leadership and proactive role of the Anticorruption Authority (ANAC) were also positively acknowledged. 

GRECO nevertheless urged the country to better address the thorny issue of conflicts of interest. It called for a thorough overhaul of the current system, including consolidation of the dispersed norms that regulate the matter and more efficient mechanisms of control and accountability.

While GRECO welcomed the recent adoption of a Code of Conduct and Rules on Lobbying by the Chamber of Deputies, it took the view that much more ought to be done to ensure compliance with their provisions. It further noted that the Senate is yet to embark on a similar path.

See also:
Italy and the Council of Europe

Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) Strasbourg 19 January 2017
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