The Council of Europe frequently issues calls for tender, enabling any company to become a Council of Europe supplier.

However, tendering is subject to a number of prerequisites. There are two main ways of becoming a Council of Europe supplier.

Prerequisites for becoming a Council of Europe supplier 

  1. Exclusion criteria common to all Council of Europe tenders. Any bidder or potential bidder will be excluded from participation in tenders if they:
    • have been sentenced by final judgment on one or more of the following charges: participation in a criminal organisation, corruption, fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, child labour or trafficking in human beings;
    • are in a situation of bankruptcy, liquidation, termination of activity, insolvency or arrangement with creditors or any like situation arising from a procedure of the same kind, or are subject to a procedure of the same kind;
    • have received a judgment with res judicata force, finding an offence that affects their professional integrity or serious professional misconduct;
    • do not comply with their obligations as regards payment of social security contributions, taxes and dues, according to the statutory provisions of their country of incorporation, establishment or residence;
    • are an entity created to circumvent tax, social or other legal obligations (empty shell company), have ever created or are in the process of creation of such an entity;
    • have been involved in mismanagement of the Council of Europe funds or public funds;
    • are or appear to be in a situation of conflict of interest;
    • are retired Council of Europe staff members or are staff members having benefitted from an early departure scheme;
    • are currently employed by the Council of Europe or were employed by the Council of Europe on the date of the launch of the procurement procedure; 
    • [have not fulfilled, in the previous three years, their contractual obligations in the performance of a contract concluded with the Council of Europe leading to a total or partial refusal of payment and/or termination of the contract by the Council of Europe];
    • are subject to restrictive measures applied by the United Nations Security Council or the European Union. In the case of legal persons, the restrictive measures imposed on the tenderer’s owner(s) or executive(s) will also exclude the tenderer from participating in this tender procedure.
  2. Eligibility criteria - Any bidder or potential bidder will be required to meet the eligibility criteria which vary according to the type of needs.


Steps towards becoming a Council of Europe supplier

1. Participate in a call for tenders issued by the Council of Europe and be selected by the buyer entity (on the basis of adjudication criteria which can be based on the price alone or, more usually, the price and the quality of the technical bid) - Tenders are published on E-proc (paperless solution tool). 


2. Making oneself known to the different departments with procurement responsibilities at the Council of Europe by:

1. contacting the procurement department of the directorate concerned

2. sending a brochure or offer of services

3. requesting an appointment to present your company and its work to the Council of Europe


3. The Council of Europe stores the information about its past, existing and potential suppliers / providers in a dedicated internal database. You may find the information on how we process personal data contained in the database in our privacy notice.

 Tender procedures are managed according to the following threshold values:


  • Need < EUR 171 000: calls for tenders are sent directly to the Council of Europe's known suppliers and might be published.
  • Need > EUR 171 000: calls for tenders are:
    • sent to the Council of Europe's known suppliers;
    • and / or published on the E-procurement platform or on the Council of Europe site;
    • possibly published on the European Union's TED platform and the LinkedIn page.

All suppliers attending calls for tenders issued by the Council of Europe are informed of decisions taken on their bids. Awards relating to most tenders published on E-procurement are also available on the platform. Remaining decisions will be sent directly to suppliers by e-mail.