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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : Party See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Like most countries in the Latin-American region, Peru has not yet adopted a national cyber security strategy or policies related to countering cybercrime. The Government of Peru has actively participated in the framework of the Inter-American Strategy to Combat Cyber security Threats of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Specialised institutions

The Government Attorney General´s Office in its condition as head of criminal action, is responsible for conducting investigations into criminal offences. In the case of offences committed through the use of computer systems, Internet and information and communication technologies, the Government Attorney General´s Office requests the support of the Specialized Division on High-Tech Crime Investigations (part of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations of the National Police of Peru, so that both can carry out the corresponding investigation, as it the specialized police body.


In addition, the Specialized Division on High-Tech Crime has a Cyberpatrol Department, which is responsible for carrying out the permanent virtual patrolling over the Internet, a procedure by which they enter chat rooms, Whatsapp groups and check web pages, in order to detect pornography networks and the commission of computer crimes.

The Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT-PeCERT) was officially created in 2009 and is the official government body that facilitates and coordinates matters relating to the management of information security and cybercrime among government agencies of the Republic of Peru. Its main objectives are:

  • Promoting coordination among the entities of the National Public Administration for the prevention, detection, seizure, management and collection of information and developing solutions for security incidents;
  • Coordinating, collaborating and proposing rules aim at increasing safety levels on resources and systems related to Information Technology of the Public Administration; and
  • Advising the branches of the National Public Administration regarding the use of devices and techniques for the protection and defense of information systems.

Jurisprudence/case law

The Supreme Court of Justice of Peru has issued judgments and case law related to child pornography and interception of private communications. The national judgments and case law is available for consultation in the website of the Judicial Branch of Peru at:


Sources and links

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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