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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Cybercrime Policy 2014 National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) Seeks to provide a legal and regulatory framework to, among other goals:

  • Protect communities from cybercrime; Create safer cyber environment for all users;
  • Enhance and strengthen law enforcement capacity in addressing and combating Cybercrime (and Cybersecurity issues);
  • Create and increase awareness, education and training on Cybercrime (and Cybersecurity issues); and
  • Ensure effective coordination and collaboration amongst all stakeholders, especially the law enforcement agencies

(in progress) National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy

Specialised institutions

Papua New Guinea Computer Response Team (PNGCERT) National Information

Communications Technology Authority (NICTA)

Minister for Communication, Information Technology and Energy

Jurisprudence/case law

Tools on Cybercrime & Electronic Evidence Empowering You!

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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