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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : Party See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Panama has a National Cyber security Strategy since early 2013, which is an instrument that stipulates, on the one hand, a consensus between government authorities and, on the other hand, it is used as a guide for the implementation of public policies for cyber security and the protection of critical infrastructure. It also shows a commitment of the Republic of Panama for the protection of cyberspace and the institutional collaboration at the national and international level.

The National Cyber Security Strategy of Panama contains the following pillars:

  • Promote the development of telecommunications and connectivity nationwide;
  • Protect the privacy and fundamental rights of citizens in cyberspace;
  • Prevent and stop criminal conduct in cyberspace from any type of crime or wrongdoing;
  • Strengthen the cyber security of the national critical infrastructure;
  • Encourage the development of a strong national business network for cyber security that could be used as reference for the Latin-American region;
  • Develop a culture of cyber security through training, innovation and adoption of standards; and
  • Improve cyber security and incident response capability of public institutions.

According to the Report from 2016 “Cybersecurity. Are we ready in Latin America and the Caribbean from Inter-American Development Bank and the Organization of American States (OAS), there are still some issues to improve regarding cybersecurity: “While some security standards are in place, there is currently limited coordination among operators for CNI protection”.

The government of Panama has actively participated in the various activities of the Council of Europe concerning the fight against cybercrime. Panama was the second country in the Caribbean and Latin America to ratify the access protocol of the Budapest Convention on 5 March 2014.

On the other hand, the government of Panama has also actively participated in the framework of the Inter-American Strategy to Combat Cyber security Threats of the Organization of American States (OAS). As part of the awareness activities on cyber security in that country, the government of Panama has conducted drills and exercises on cyber attacks, practical workshops on cyber security and various awareness campaigns with national institutions to inform citizens on cyber risks and to foster the use of best practices related to information security and the fight against cybercrime.

Specialised institutions

The institution responsible for the supervision and direction of matters related to information security is the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) that operates under the Computer Security and Incident Response Team of Panama (CSIRC). There are two agencies responsible for the coordination and judicial investigation of cyber crime. These agencies are the Deputy Prosecutor for Crimes against Intellectual Property and Information Security of the Attorney General's Office conformed by the Public Prosecutor (Ministerio Público) and the Directorate for Judicial Investigation of the National Police. A specialized investigating unit on computer crime was recently created within the Directorate for Judicial Investigation and it is under current development. Such specialized investigating unit will provide capacity and training to conduct investigations and digital forensics activities.

The Computer Security and Incident Response Team of Panama (CSIRT) is the national entity in charge of facilitating security incident response information nationwide. Among its main objectives are fostering, preventing, identifying and resolving security incidents attacks to and against computer systems that are part of the national critical infrastructure, and provide access to information for national citizens. Its activities also include coordinating, collaborating, and proposing rules aimed at increasing the efforts to raise the levels of security related to information and communication technologies in the government sphere. The CSIRT of Panama maintains a close collaboration with other national CSIRT’s of the region and worldwide.

Jurisprudence/case law

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Panama has issued judgments and case law related to child pornography and interception of private communications. The national judgments and case law can be consulted directly in the section of National Jurisprudence of the website of the National Congress of Panama at:

Sources and links

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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