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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : Party Declarations and reservations : Reservations regarding Art. 6, 14, 29. Declarations regarding See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security is responsible for coordinating public security in the civilian sector, and has therefore outlined the Government’s policy for cyber security. The Norwegian Ministry of Defence holds the responsibility for cyber security in the defence sector. The National Cyber Security Strategy for Norway implemented since 31st of January 2019 sets therefore a strong emphasis on collaboration and partnerships mongst relevant stakeholders.

Prioritised area through the NCSS for Norway are:

  1. Preventive cyber security
  2. Cyber security in critical societal functions
  3. Competence
  4. Detect and handle cyber attacks
  5. Prevent and combat cyber crime

The strategic area of combatting cybercrime is further developed into two subsidiariy goals, namely:

  1. The police have strengthened their competence and capacity to prevent and combat cybercrime.
  2. Society trust the ability of the police to prevent and combat cybercrime


The government of Norway has also launched an International cyber strategy at the annual dialogue meeting on international cyber issues between the US and the Nordic and Baltic countries in 2017. The International cyber strategy sets out Norway's governing principles and strategic priorities relating to the whole spectrum of international cyber policy issues: cyber security, innovation and the economy, international cooperation to combat cybercrime, security policy, global governance of the internet, development and human rights.

Specialised institutions

Jurisprudence/case law

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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