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Cybercrime policies/strategies

On October 12, 2020 the Government of Malaysia launched the Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy (MCSS) 2020-2024. The key objectives are categorised into five strategic Pillars that will govern all aspects of cyber security planning and implementation in Malaysia until 2024.


The five strategic pillars are:

  • Pillar I: Effective Governance and Management;

Addressing enhancement of the management of national governance and cyber security by improving the country's critical information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure as well as raising the ability to deal with cyber security issues effectively.


  • Pillar II: Strengthening Legislative Framework and Enforcement;

Strengthening the enforcement of existing cyber security policies and standards by reviewing digital legislation as well as formulating specific laws to deal with cyber security.


  • Pillar III: Catalysing World Class Innovation, Technology, R&D and Industry;

Empowering innovation and world-class technology for adopting cyber security tools and techniques.


  • Pillar IV: Enhancing Capacity and Capability Building, Awareness and Education;

Improving development capacity as well as cyber security skills and capabilities to protect Malaysian interests.


  • Pillar V: Strengthening Global Collaboration.

Enhancing international cooperation by activating regional and international cooperation to protect national digital interests and assets.


The MCSS consists of 12 strategies, 35 action plans and 113 programmes encompassing various initiatives to safeguard the nation’s cyberspace. The Communications and Multimedia Ministry (KKMM) and the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) are tasked with formulating, implementing, monitoring and coordinating the medium-term action plan.


Malaysia was one of the first nations in South-East Asia to adopt a National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP). Formulated in 2006, the NCSP anchored the establishment of the relevant government agency and provided a solid foundation for the MCSS 2020-2024.

Specialised institutions

Cybercrime offences are investigated by several relevant enforcement agencies:

  • Royal Malaysian Police (Commercial Crime Investigation Department) – is the leading department in commercial and cybercrime investigations. It conducts investigations and prosecutes white collar criminals who commit fraud, criminal breach of trust, cybercrime forgeries etc.
  • Malaysian Special Cyber Court provides the judicial system with sufficient and adequate means of handling cybercrime offences, such as hacking, online fraud/scamming, botnet attacks, online defamation, sedition and harassment, web-defacement, theft of online information, cyber gambling and pornography, etc.
  • Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM) - responsible for communications, multimedia, broadcasting, information, personal data protection, special affairs, media industry, film industry, domain name, postal, courier, mobile service, fixed service, broadband, digital signature, universal service, international broadcasting, content.
  • Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) – one of the main functions of MCMC is to ensure information security and network reliability and integrity.
  • National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) – is the national lead agency for cyber security matters, with the objectives of securing and strengthening Malaysia's resilience in facing the threats of cyber-attacks, by co-ordinating and consolidating the nation's best experts and resources in the field of cyber security. NACSA is also committed to developing and implementing national-level cyber security policies and strategies, protecting Critical National Information Infrastructures (CNII), undertaking strategic measures in countering cyber threats, spearheading cyber security awareness, acculturation and capacity-building programmes, formulating strategic approach towards combatting cyber crimes, advising on organizational cyber risk management, developing and optimizing shared resources among agencies, and fostering constructive regional and global networks among entities with shared interests in cyber security.
  • Central Bank of Malaysia. - Bank Negara Malaysia, as the central bank for Malaysia, is mandated to promote monetary stability and financial stability conducive to the sustainable growth of the Malaysian economy.
  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) – has the mission to develop a High-Tech Nation through Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE) by strengthening the needed policies and regulations.
  • CyberSecurity Malaysia Agency - provides a broad range of cybersecurity innovation-led services, programmes, and initiatives to reduce vulnerability of digital systems, and at the same time strengthen Malaysia’s self-reliance in cyberspace. The agency is focused on specialised cybersecurity services such as Cyber Security Responsive Services, Cyber Security Proactive Services, Outreach and Capacity Building, Strategic Study and Engagement, Industry and Research Development.
  • MyCERT (Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team) - Performs 24/7 computer security incident response services to any user, company, government agency or organisation by handling incidents such as intrusion, identity theft, malware infection, cyber harassment and other computer security related incidents.
  • Cyber Security Professional Development (CSPD) formerly known as Training Department is nurturing Information Security practitioners and promoting knowledge sharing with leading industry experts and academicians as well as fostering local and international collaborations by means of training and advice.

Other relevant initiatives:

  • MyCyberSecurity Clinic – is involved in recovery, analysis and management of data and information and is a trustworthy and credible entity for secure data handling and recovery.
  • CyberSAFE Malaysia – special program carried out by CyberSecurity Malaysia focusing on increasing public awareness and knowledge on cyber safety and how to mitigate online threats.

Sources and links


Reports and research

Databases and institutions

Tools on Cybercrime & Electronic Evidence Empowering You!

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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