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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA Declarations and reservations : N/A See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

The Ministry of Information Communication Transport & Tourism Development (MICTTD) mandated the ICT Policy and Development division for advising the Government on ICT related matters, coordinating the development of related policies such as the National ICT Policy, coordination of ICT projects throughout Kiribati, promoting the use of ICT in the country, responsible for cyber security advice and awareness programs for the general public.

The National ICT Policy was firstly introduced in April 2011 and subsequently updated in 2019 and addresses the introduction of e-Government; the development of ICT services on all islands; national internet security; and managing ICT reform at the national level.

Kiribati has a National Cybersecurity Strategy released in 2020, consisting in short, medium and long-term objectives that include the following:

  • Short term goals (2020): gap analysis to existing legislations on cybersecurity and cybercrime; establishment of Child Online Protection Working Group; establishment of Kiribati Cybersecurity Working Group; situational analysis for capacity building in cyber security and capacity building
  • Medium term goals (2020-2021): creation of CERTKiribati; International cooperation on cyber security (cybercrime); critical infrastructure protection Plan; Cyber security capacity building
  • Long term goals (2020-2023): development of Outer Island Strategy on Cyber Security; Cyber Security Introduction to education curriculum.

Specialised institutions

Ministry of Information Communication Transport & Tourism Development

ICT Policy and Development division of the MICT - Responsible for advising the Government on ICT related matters, coordinating the development of related Policies such as the National ICT Policy, coordination of ICT projects throughout Kiribati, promoting the use of ICT in the country, responsible for cyber security advice and awareness programs.

Communications Commission of Kiribati (CCK) – who is in charge with implementing and enforcing the provisions of the Communication Act, including among others with the selling and the registration of the DOT KI (.ki) domain name.

Kiribati Courts System Information

Office of the Attorney-General

Jurisprudence/case law

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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