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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Guyana has not yet adopted a cybercrime strategy. The Digital Governance Roadmap for Guyana of 2018 highlights the need for more attention to detecting and responding to cyber incidents and the fight against cybercrime.

In 2019, a consultation on the development of a National Cyber Security Strategy began, facilitated through the collaboration between the National Data Management Authority (NDMA) and the Organisation of American States (OAS). The strategy would focus on protection of critical infrastructure, development of capacities to fight cybercrime, development of Computer Incident Response and Security Team capacity and international cooperation.

In the field of cybersecurity, a technical working group was established in March 2017 aimed at creating and promoting government-relevant cybersecurity standards, policies, guidelines and best practices to the ministries, agencies, and any other relevant governmental bodies.

Specialised institutions

Criminal Investigations Department, Guyana Police Force. The police as the official law enforcement body generally institute and undertake criminal prosecutions. Traditionally, the Director of Public Prosecution exercises supervisory authority over all criminal prosecutions.

The Cybersecurity Division of the National Data Management Authority focuses on safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Government of Guyana’s Information and Communications Technology infrastructure together with its services, applications, and data.

The Guyana National Computer Incidents Response Team (CIRT-GY) seeks to provide technical assistance to public agencies to prevent and respond effectively to information security incidents of national importance. The team initially functioned as a unit within the Ministry of Home Affairs until September 30, 2016. Guyana National CIRT is now under the purview of the National Data Management Authority (NDMA) within the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Guyana is an autonomous body responsible for requesting, receiving, analysing and dissemination of suspicious transaction reports and other information relating to money laundering, terrorist financing or the proceeds of crime.

Jurisprudence/case law

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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