Back Dominican Republic

    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : Party See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

The Dominican Republic has adopted in 2018 a National Cybersecurity Strategy 2018-2021. The strategy has four pillars: legal framework and institutional strengthening (1), protection of national critical infrastructures and state IT infrastructure (2), education and national culture of cybersecurity (3) and national and international alliances (4). Under each of these pillars, several objectives and action lines are set. Among these, the strategy establishes a National Centre of Cybersecurity, a Cybersecurity Strategies Coordination Team (ECEC) and a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT-RD).

The Dominican Republic has actively participated in the various activities of the Council of Europe concerning the fight against cybercrime. It was the first country in the Caribbean and Latin America in ratifying the Budapest Convention on February 7, 2013. The efforts of the government of the Dominican Republic to improve cyber security involve various agencies working in coordination through the Interinstitutional Commission against Crimes and High Technology Crimes (CICDAT).

The government of the Dominican Republic has actively participated in the framework of the Inter-American Strategy to Combat Cyber security Threats of the Organization of American States (OAS). As part of the awareness activities on cyber security in that country, the government of the Dominican Republic has conducted various awareness campaigns with other state institutions in order to inform the general population on Internet threats and risks and to provide advice on best practices related to information security.

The Law on High Tech Crime (Law No. 53-07) includes the majority of offenses contained in the substantive law provisions of the Budapest Convention. The Dominican Republic has actively promoted the accession to the Budapest Convention and the regional cooperation for the countering of cybercrime.

Specialised institutions

The Inter-institutional Commission against Crimes and High Tech Crime (CICDAT) conformed by key government agencies has five main functions. First, to ensure coordination and cooperation among all national agencies of the Police, Army and the Judiciary responsible for conducting, investigating and prosecuting activities related to cybercrime. Second, to coordinate and cooperate with other national governments, international institutions and other stakeholders in order to prevent and reduce the frequency of criminal activities at the national and international level. Third, to define policies, guidelines and directives and develop cyber security strategies and plans to be presented to the Executive branch. Fourth, to promote the adoption and implementation of international treaties and conventions related to cybercrime. Fifth, to ensure that appropriate institutions and persons represent the government before international organizations involved in the fight against cybercrime and the fostering of cyber security.

There are two specific entities in charge of investigations related to conducts committed through the use of information technologies: the Division on Crime and High Tech Crime Investigation (DICAT) and the Division of Computer Crime Investigation (DIDI). The first one is a subordinate division of the Central Criminal Investigation Directorate of the National Police while the second one is part of the National Investigations Department (DNI) of the Secretary of State. Their main powers and attributions are contained in Articles 36 to 51 of Law No. 53-07 on Crimes and High Tech Crime.

In 2013, a specialized cyber-prosecution service was created: PEDATEC - Procuraduría Especializada en Crímenes y Delitos de Alta Tecnología.

Jurisprudence/case law

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Dominican Republic has issued judgments and case law related to child pornography and interception of private communications. The national judgments and case law can be directly consulted in the Centre for Documentation and Judicial Information of the Judicial Branch of the Dominican Republic at:

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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