Back Bahamas

    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Bahamas has not yet adopted a national cybercrime strategy. However, the CARICOM Cyber Security and Cybercrime Action Plan (CCSCAP) addresses cyber threats facing Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries. A planned National Cyber Security Strategy for further strengthening the country’s data protection capabilities and cybercrime legislation was informally announced for late 2020.

Specialised institutions

The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) created a dedicated Cyber Security Unit in 2018, with cyber investigators and forensics specialists, trained in part by US federal law enforcement agencies.

Bahamas does not currently have a national CERT/ CSIRT (Computer Emergency Response Team), but is planning on establishing one, starting from late 2020.

Jurisprudence/case law

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These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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