Funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, Implemented by the Council of EuropeThe main beneficiary of the Project is the Constitutional Court of Turkey, and the stakeholders include the Court of Cassation, the Council of State, the Military Court of Cassation, the High Administrative Military Court, the Justice Academy, the High Council for Judges and Prosecutors, the Union of Turkish Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice.

The main objective of the Project is to: contribute to supporting and strengthening of the individual application system to the Turkish Constitutional Court by empowering the judiciary in Turkey in line with the acquis, the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the system of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).

The following outputs and results are expected:

  • the rights and freedoms set forth in the Turkish Constitution and the ECHR are better secured at the national level;
  • the capacity of the judges, prosecutors and lawyers in Turkey on the individual application mechanism and implementation of fundamental rights protected by the ECHR is increased;
  • the co-operation of the Turkish Constitutional Court and the other high courts with their European counterparts is increased; and
  • the awareness of the Turkish public on the individual application mechanism to the Constitutional Court and the implementation of fundamental rights is increased.

Project information

  • Duration: 45 months and 11 days (18 December 2015 - 30 September 2019)
  • Place/ country: Turkey
  • Budget: 6 383 228 €
  • Funding: European Union and Republic of Turkey financing: 92,7 (EU: 64% / Republic of Turkey 28%) & Council of Europe (7.93%)


Selected Individual Application Judgments of the Constitutional Court

  • The right to liberty and security in the individual application - TUR
  • Violation Judgments of the Constitutional Court in individual application cases related to the administrative judiciary - TUR
  • Individual application judgments related to the criminal judiciary - TUR
  • Individual application judgments related to the civil judiciary - TUR

Individual Application Handbooks

  • The right to liberty and security - TUR
  • Freedom of Expression - TUR
  • The right to freedom of assembly and association - TUR
  • The right to a fair trial - TUR
  • The right to life - TUR
  • The right to property - TUR
  • The individual application: procedural law - TUR
  • The right to respect for private and family life - TUR

Training Modules 

  • The individual application procedure and admissibility criteria - TUR
  • The right to life and the prohibition of torture - TUR
  • The right to liberty and security - TUR
  • The right to respect for private and family life (criminal limb) - TUR
  • The right to respect for private and family life (civil limb) - TUR
  • Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression, freedom of association and assembly (criminal limb) - TUR
  • Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association (civil limb) - TUR
  • The right to a fair trial (civil limb) - TUR
  • The right to property - TUR


Project news