The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are Parliament, Ministry of Justice Ministry of Internal Affairs, Superior Council of Magistracy, Supreme Court of Justice, General Prosecutor's Office, Superior Council of Prosecutors, Bar Association, People's Advocate Office (Ombudsperson Institution), National Council for the Prevention of Torture (National Preventive Mechanism), National Institute of Justice.

The main aim is to further ensure higher respect for human rights in the functioning of the criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova by assisting the national authorities to build an effectively functioning criminal justice system which is in line with European human rights standards, based on the principles of humanisation, resocialisation and restorative justice.

Three expected results are foreseen under the project:

  • Justice stakeholders apply pre-trial detention in compliance with the Council of Europe standards;
  • Justice stakeholders use a better criminal sentencing framework, including more effective community sanctions;
  • Stakeholders, implementing external monitoring, are more effective in prevention of human rights violations within the criminal justice system.

With a view to achieving these results, several activities will be implemented:

  • Support the justice stakeholders to improve the quality of investigations into illtreatment and management of places of pre-trial detention;
  • Support the justice stakeholders to apply more noncustodial measures at the pre-trial state of criminal proceedings;
  • Support the criminal justice actors to apply more humanised approach to sentencing;
  • Improve the capacities and visibility of the Ombudsperson Institution and the National Preventive Mechanism in dealing with the human rights violations in criminal justice sector.

Project information

  • Duration: 30 months (1 March 2021 - 31 August 2023)
  • Place/country: Moldova
  • Budget: EUR 866 000
  • Funding: Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova for 2021-2024

Project documentation



Back Second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova”

Second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova”

On 6 December 2021, the Council of Europe project “Strengthening the human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova” held its 2nd Project Steering Committee (SC) meeting to discuss the project progress under the reporting period (March – December 2021) and to endorse the Project Annual Work Plan for 2022.

The event gathered representatives of the Project’s beneficiaries and partner institutions, namely Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Police Inspectorate, Police Academy “Stefan cel Mare”, Superior Council of Magistracy, Supreme Court of Justice, General Prosecutor’s Office, People’s Advocate Office, National Council for the Prevention of Torture, National Institute of Justice, Lawyers’ Union, Superior Council of Prosecutors, who resumed on the results of the preliminary period of the Project and discussed further activities for the next implementation period.

An update on the results achieved so far was presented to SC, highlighting the major achievements, among which:

  • the development of a needs assessment in the field of investigations into ill-treatment and torture in police custody;
  • the capacities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova strengthened to deliver training on fundamental safeguards against ill-treatment for the staff in the places of detention;
  • the launch of the HELP course on Alternative Measures to Detention in cooperation with the Lawyers’ Union to strengthen the lawyers’ awareness on standards in the area;
  • the professional capacities of 310 judges, lawyers, prosecutors and police staff strengthened to facilitate the effective national application of the European Convention on Human Rights standards;
  • the finalisation of a research report on the application of criminal sanctions in Moldova;
  • the capacities of the NPM members and the People’s Advocate staff strengthened in drafting reports following preventive and monitoring visits to different places of detention;
  • the presentation of the good practices by the members of the Council for the Prevention of Torture achieved during the implementation of their mandate.

During the SC meeting the partner institutions expressed their commitment to the Project in further co-operation and support. The SC meeting concluded with the endorsement of the Project Annual Work Plan for 2022.

The project “Strengthening the human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova” aims at further strengthening the criminal justice system of the Republic of Moldova in the areas of combatting ill-treatment and establishing a basis for a more approach towards sentencing in criminal cases. The Project has a duration of 30 months and is financed through the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova (2021-2024).

Chisinau, Moldova 8 December 2021
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