The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are the Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring the Equality, National Institute of Justice, Lawyers Training Center.

The main goal is for the delivered justice to be better aligned with European standards at national level in the field of discrimination.

The following results are expected:

  • The Equality Council’s practice is further strengthened and it is able to more effectively fulfil its role;
  • Lawyers Training Center is effectively organising and delivering training courses;
  • The capacity of the judges and prosecutors to deliver higher quality justice with special focus on discrimination through a harmonised application of European standards is enhanced.

Outcome indicators:

  • Improved regulations of the Lawyers training Center;
  • Improved curricula of Lawyers training Center;
  • Gender sensitive methodology developed;
  • The monitoring mechanism of the Equality Council improved according to the Council of Europe recommendations;
  • Justice actors have better capacity to deal with discrimination cases;
  • 2 new training courses incorporated by the Lawyers Training Center as part of continuous training curriculum;
  • Increase in the level of long-term effectiveness of the Equality Council’s sanctions assessed and recommendations produced;
  • Training materials which will be gender sensitive provided (ex. presentations by international consultants; jurisprudence of ECtHR, CoE publications, etc.);
  • Increase in level of knowledge of legal professionals (judges, prosecutors, clerks and judges’ assistants) trained on the application of European standards.

Project information

  • Duration:
  • Place/ country: Moldova
  • Budget:
  • Funding:

Project documentation
