The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are Courts of General Jurisdiction, High Council of Justice, High School of Justice, Parliament, Constitutional Court, Ministry of Justice, Georgian Bar Association, General Prosecution Office, Ministry of Interior, Supreme Court.

The main aim is to improve criminal proceedings in Georgia in accordance with European Standards.

Three expected results are foreseen under the project:

  1. The criminal procedure legislation and practice has improved safeguards and guarantees in line with European standards including those related on gender equality
  2. Analytical and methodological capacities of the justice sector stakeholders to assess the criminal justice’s performance including from the gender perspective and develop evidence-based criminal policy has improved
  3. Performance of the authorities in matters of international mutual cooperation is enhanced

With a view to achieving these results, several activities will be implemented:

  • Support the Georgian stakeholders in the reforms of the criminal procedure and strengthen the capacity of national courts to effectively exercise judicial control over the application of coercive measures by the prosecution services and law enforcement agencies;
  • Support Georgian stakeholders to establish most effective system of preventive measures in line with the best European practices;
  • Enhance the capacity of the prosecutors to identify and react on reported facts of ill-treatment during the pre-trial and trial stages;
  • Support prosecutor’s office to effectively exercise its functions and ensure good governance and protection of human rights in Georgia while carrying out criminal proceedings and combating impunity also by reducing misuse of powers by law enforcement agencies, improve the role of the defense and ensure women’s access to justice by taking into account the results of previous findings;
  • Support prosecutor’s office to build new organizational structure following the enactment of new constitution of Georgia; develop a gender-sensitive methodology on defense strategy and motion practice, cross-examination, defense ethics and legal assistance for defense lawyers;
  • Assist judiciary and prosecution to strengthen analytical functions, research and evidence based criminal policy and ensure uniformity of court practices;
  • Develop the methodologies and toolkits for conducting user satisfaction surveys and performance indicators for assessing the criminal justice system taking into account the gender perspectives.
  • Reinforce the capacity of the Prosecutor’s office in relation to international cooperation in criminal matters and facilitate mutual legal assistance and hence, accelerate the judicial process.

Project information

  • Duration: 36 months (1 January 2019 – 28 February 2023)
  • Place/country: Georgia
  • Budget: 960 000 EUR
  • Funding: European Union (EU)

Project documentation


  • Prohibition of Torture - Application of International Standards Guaranteed by Articles 3 and 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights in National Legal Practice - ENG, KAT
  • Guidelines on Transfer to Georgia of a Georgian national or a person domiciled in Georgia sentenced in a foreign state - ENG
  • Expert opinion on the Legislation on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters - ENG
  • Review of the compatibility with European standards of Georgia’s criminal procedure code and related legislative provisions- ENG

Back Purchase of consultancy services to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on application of the European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and performance of criminal justice system

Purchase of consultancy services to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on application of the European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and performance of criminal justice system

The Joint EU/Council of Europe Project “Supporting the criminal justice reforms – tackling criminal aspects of the judicial reform” is launching a tender procedure for purchase of consultancy services to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on application of the European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and performance of criminal justice system.

Deadline for tender’s submission is 28 February 2021.

Tenders shall be submitted by email only (with attachments) to the email address) [email protected] with the following reference in subject: Tender - Conduct quantitative and qualitative research on application of the European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and performance of criminal justice system. Tenders addressed to another email address will be rejected.

All questions shall be submitted at least 5 (five) working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders and shall be exclusively addressed to the email address ) [email protected] with the following reference in subject: Questions - Tender - Conduct quantitative and qualitative research on application of the European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and performance of criminal justice system.

Please read carefully requirements of the call:

Tbilisi, Georgia 8 February 2022
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